Wednesday 19 June 2013

Pretty floral day

This morning I had this beautiful floral display to enjoy whilst drinking my cup of tea and enjoying the sunshine. I was given these lovely terracotta pots and I wasn't sure what to do with them, but I just thought they where lovely so I bought some flower seeds, filled the pots with some potting soil and possibly put too many seeds in each one (so they are a little cosy) and after 6 weeks or so they are making their début. What was wonderful  was the surprise I was already standing over them and I was so used to seeing them as green seedlings, and pop here we are . . . 

Later on I got in to town and I always check out my local charity shops and I found these pretty floral plates.  I recognised them straight away as Poole pottery, not because I am an expert in ceramics or pottery but its my home town, and I am familiar with lots of their designs.  The're such pretty floral pieces and an unusual shape they have a lovely soft feel to their glaze like smooth re-cycled glass. I shall be putting them up for sale in Under Milk Wood soon.  I also picked up some lovely vintage hounds-tooth Liberty fabric, and another bubblegum coloured pot for my collection.

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